A biologist and ecologist from the UK, I am keen to learn about Wilderness conservation in Europe with the European Wilderness Society. While here I am fortunate enough to live in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the centre of Europe. So while in such an advantageous location I plan to make the most of exploring what I can!
European Solidarity Corps Volunteer
My Diary
A swim, a pizza and a farewell
Our last adventure brought all the volunteers together as we said goodbye to the first of us, Rebecca. On Monday the 5th we finished a little early and cycled up the valley along a beautiful cycle path, which meanders along the river Taurach to Mauterndorf. Here we enjoyed the last few hours of sunlight at…
Medieval festival
One weekend I was greeted with glorious sunshine and the prospect of medieval shenanigans and steam trains. Snacks packed and a bottle of water I made my way down to Sankt Andrä im Lungau. Along the way I met one of my other colleagues Hanna. She walked the last stretch with me and soon we…
Amphibians, Reptiles and Medieval people
Amphibians in Mariapfarr As the snow began to melt and the signs of spring started to emerge, so did the herps. On one of my walks I found myself around the lake of the Der Outdoorparc Lungau. It was the breeding season of the common toad, Bufo bufo. Thousands (or so it seemed to excited…
Learning to ski
As a passionate and amateur herpetologist I was very keen to start exploring of Austria to see the various snakes, lizards and amphibians the country has to offer. But with the largest dump of snow the Lungau had had in many years… it meant I had a long time to wait and a lot of…
Getting to Austria
My time here in Austria started officially in February but first I would need to get there. Volunteers before me moved with a suitcase and backpack; taking only the essentials and necessities. With a year ahead of me, a want to visit friends old and new along the way and having always wanted do a…
The WILDArt Exhibition
Within my first few weeks at the European Wilderness Society we displayed some of the artwork produced during last year’s WILDArt project in Synevyr Wilderness in Ukraine. Together with the team we had a short time to frame and hang up what felt like hundreds of prints, pictures and paintings. But with the whole team…