Instead of traveling directly to Vienna, I decided to make a short stop in Salzburg. I started looking for the most economic places to stay, because I wanted to save some money. After some research I found an hostel near the train-station.
I had never been alone in a place like that. Before arriving I was pretty nervous but I was looking forward to it.
I had booked a bed in a shared female room. When I checked in, it was 4pm in the afternoon and someone in the room was sleeping. Therefore, I had to put the sheets on my bed in almost complete darkness wich was pretty uncomfortable. Now that I look back, It’s pretty funny. Either way I managed to do it.
The room was actually pretty nice and clean.

The only thing I was worried about, were the bed bugs. They are very common in hostels and it is really really difficult to get rid of them. Thankfully there weren’t any in my room.
Tips + conclusion
One of the tricky things was, where to leave your belongings. In my case, I brought all of my important things (such as my money and documents) with me all the time. My suitcase on the other hand, was in a special luggage room the hostel offered. If there is something other than clothes in your suitcase I wouldn’t recommend leaving it there.
Overall, I must say that it was an interesting experience. It is a good option for when you don’t want to spend money and just sleep there for a couple of days. If you are looking for comfort, this isn’t really it. I definitely learned a lot from this experience.
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