Our last adventure brought all the volunteers together as we said goodbye to the first of us, Rebecca.
On Monday the 5th we finished a little early and cycled up the valley along a beautiful cycle path, which meanders along the river Taurach to Mauterndorf. Here we enjoyed the last few hours of sunlight at Schwimmbad Mauterndorf where Ziva tried, with varying success, to teach us how to somersault into the water. While non of us will make the next Olympics, we did get some good splashes. All in all its a nice way to celebrate someone moving on to new green pastures.
After swimming we visited one of the local restaurants in the centre of Mauterndorf for pizza. However, this was not just any pizza but a family pizza! What is a family pizza I hear you ask, well its simply a massive pizza! The delicious monstrosity went down an absolute treat after a few hours of playing in the swimming pool. And so with the night nearly over as we let our food settle a little before cycling back. Nevertheless, in true EWS style it didn’t end smoothly; on our way home Rebecca’s bike chain flung off so Rebecca and myself spent some time fixing the chain before we could carry on home.
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