Hello to anyone reading this 😉 !
My name is Emma Rubin, I am 18 years old, and I am the new EWS volunteer from Spain.
This is going to be my first post and therefore, the point from where my new journey in Austria is going to start!
Everything leading to the current present, started around may 2022. I was almost finished with my last months of Highschool. I was happy about it, but I was a bit fearfull about having to take my university-access exams. Time passed and I took them. When I received my results, I was a bit disappointed. And in that moment, I somehow knew that something had to change.
My family and one of my teachers, reminded me that the possibility of doing a volunteering project would maybe be a good option for me. I started searching for projects on the Solidarity Corps portal, some were already active and some had been active in the past. I found a really attractive nature conservation project (this one) and I decided to wait until they searched for new volunteers. After the Summer, in October, I turned 18. I could finally apply for this project. Then, two weeks passed and I was contacted by EWS to join the project and the group in Tamsweg around the end of November. I was really exited. I got the opportunity I was waiting for; to try something completely new to me and to learn and grow as an individual.
My Journey to Tamsweg
Before I could travel to Tamsweg, there was still one thing I had to finish in Spain: my driving license. After archieving that, nothing stood in my way anymore.
On the 25th of November, a Friday, I flew from Santander to Vienna. While waiting for the Vienna-Airport bus shuttle, I made some new Mexican and Chilean friends. I then had to catch a train. It was a long journey and I had to try really hard not to fall asleep. At 21:00 I arrived in Tamsweg and I met part of the group.

On the weekend I got to watch the “Krampuslauf” at the town square. It was my first time experiencing an Austrian tradition. More exactly, it is a Christmas one. It was very fun but a bit strange for someone like me coming from Spain. I unpacked my bags and I went to the supermarket; that was (to my surprise) really really big). The next day I went hiking with my flatmate and colleague Karolina. I really enjoyed beeing able to be out in nature and to have discovered a small frozen pond where we “fake ice-skated”.
I am happy to be here and I am looking forward to get to know new places, mountains, ski resorts, the different EWS projects and last but not least, to meet new people.
Enhorabuena Emma, hacer voluntariado es lo mejor que se puede hacer.
Tu profe Sole
IES Alfonso II
Emma ….q orgullosa. Muchos besos 💋
Dar comienzo fuera de la protección del hogar, es difÃcil pero sobre todo es de valiente.
Conseguirás aquello q te propones con esos principios tan sólido q están en ti – cuida la naturaleza y cuida las amistades-
Me irÃa contigo – si hay un hueco para alguien con mi petite currÃculum – Jjj
So glad you started joining this conservation project knowing how dedicated you are to nature …and in Austria 🇦🇹- which is close by 😉
I look forward to reading more and see you slip into austrian culture and the projects at stake!
So glad you started joining this conservation project knowing how dedicated you are to nature …and in Austria 🇦🇹- which is close by 😉
I look forward to reading more and see you slip into austrian culture and the projects at stake!