For me, the lockdown was happening at an incredible speed. All the new measures the government announced one day after another – not only in Austria, but also in my home country Slovenia – meant that the first few weeks seemed like months. Never before have I seen our lives transform at such a high speed. One day, I was working in the office, hanging out with friends and saying how the Corona panic is overexaggerated. Three days later, I was not able to leave my home anymore.
Read more about how our other volunteer Jonas and the rest of the team experienced the lockdown.
As such, the first few weeks were full of checking the news five times a day. Because one could never know when new measures starting the next day would be announced. I slowly got used to the new rhythm working alone from my room. In all honestly, I like working from home and it’s what I’m used to from my university years. Staying at home, planning my day how I want it and working wherever I want is great for me. Especially in the first few weeks I took huge advantage of this. I often took afternoons off for outdoor recreation and working in the evenings instead, or simply taking the office aka my laptop to the garden. This enabled me to multitask, obtaining Vitamin D at the same time as working.
Physical instead of soical distancing
As not just I, but all my friends were similarly isolated with much spare time, this motivated all of us to talk more often. I see this as a blessing, as I can’t see the majority of my friends regularly anyway. I’d say that Corona definitely brought me closer to some of them. We simply spent more time together on the phone.

Another excellent thing with Corona for me was that I could spend even more time outside in nature. I started doing all the things I wanted to do but never had time, like learning to identify new bird species. Or playing violin, again an activity for which I never really had time before.
This slower way of life is not that bad, once you get used to it. However, I am very happy now to be able to see my co-workers again.
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