In the middle of March, between the 16th and 19th, I was supposed to attend my Mid-term Training. I was already looking forward to spend a couple of days in Salzburg, meeting and sharing my experience with other volunteers. Yet, unfortunately, Corona arrived and instead, I went into quarantine. I soon forgot about the Mid-term, believing I’d still go to Salzburg after Corona is over.
However, Corona lockdown lasted longer than I expected, so our training also had to be adapted. Two weeks ago, I therefore had an online training instead. 10 participants and two trainers gathered on Zoom platform for four days in a row. There, we discussed our experiences from our volunteer projects, ranging from how we reached our goals to how we survived Corona times. Our experiences regarding Corona differed drastically – while some participants went back home, others stayed in Austria completely alone with no work, while for some, life barely changed.
To add to the formal part of our chats, we had a chance to meet one evening to socialise over the distance. In this way, we were able to chat in a non-structured and relaxed way, giving us the chance to get to know each other better.
While the online Mid-term Meeting gave us a chance to share our experience, it was a shame that we were not able to meet in person and become closer friends with the volunteers. Still, in times of Corona where socialisation is limited anyway, it was nice especially for the ones living alone, to connect with others sharing the experience, even if virtually.
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