European Wilderness Volunteer DiaryThe Diary of the European Wilderness Society Volunteers

Author - Leona Hermann

Wilderness Diary-30728.jpg - © European Wilderness Society CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

What happend so far in Tamsweg?

Here in Tamsweg, we had strange weather conditions in the last weeks. First, we had just a bit of snow. But then, the snow fell and fell and within 12 hours, everything was covered in a very thick snow cover. The world started to be slower then usual, but also more dangerous. The snow fell and fell and …. On the way to the office, I took the bike, which turned....

Weekend is for a walk in the nature

We enjoyed the wonderful weather in Tamsweg as a family and started a short trip on Saturday. We started walking on the cultural- pad up to “Sankt Leonhard ob Tamsweg”. While starting walking, my daughter fell asleep, just as we found our way up to Sankt Leonhard. That fact was very nice, because so we could walk a longer distance. Since she can walk by her own, she....